Above : He really commited suicide. Alviss Kong jumped 14 floors down from his apartment and landed on a car. The incident happened around 12am.

Love kills!!!!recently there was a case of a young malaysian by the name of Alviss Kong, 22, jumped off a building to commit suicide because of relationship problems..this was a very sad sight which is a very bad example shown for other teenagers. Facebook almost got banned in Malaysia because of this incident. The above conversation shows Alviss telling his sister to take care of their mom but she thought he was just playing around.

This photo was taken by Alviss just before he comitted suicide, you can see the tears shed and the sadness in Alviss's eyes as he tries to smile one last time. He passed away around 4am and may his soul rest in peace, he will be remembered by all of us.

After this incident there was this guy tried to copy Alviss by posting and saying on the 15th of december he would be gone. Below shows the guy "Lun Sky" posting on his facebook status that he is not going to jump afterall. How lame of someone, if you just want to get famous you don't need to tell people when your gonna die..you just need your brain. I hope this kind of attitude wont be followed by others.
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